Vars | |
base_active_power_usage | Power usage when the computer is open (screen is active) and can be interacted with. Remember hardware can use power too. |
base_idle_power_usage | Power usage when the computer is idle and screen is off (currently only applies to laptops) |
cpu | CPU that handles most logic while this type only handles power and other specific things. |
hardware_flag | A flag that describes this device type |
icon_state_powered | Icon state when the computer is turned on. |
icon_state_unpowered | Icon state when the computer is turned off. |
last_power_usage | Power usage during last tick |
light_strength | Light luminosity when turned on |
max_hardware_size | Maximal hardware size. Currently, tablets have 1, laptops 2 and consoles 3. Limits what hardware types can be installed. |
screen_icon_screensaver | Icon state overlay when the computer is powered, but not 'switched on'. |
screen_icon_state_menu | Icon state overlay when the computer is turned on, but no program is loaded that would override the screen. |
steel_sheet_cost | Amount of steel sheets refunded when disassembling an empty frame of this computer. |
Procs | |
relay_icon_update | Eats the "source" arg because update_icon actually expects args now. |
Var Details
Power usage when the computer is open (screen is active) and can be interacted with. Remember hardware can use power too.
Power usage when the computer is idle and screen is off (currently only applies to laptops)
CPU that handles most logic while this type only handles power and other specific things.
A flag that describes this device type
Icon state when the computer is turned on.
Icon state when the computer is turned off.
Power usage during last tick
Light luminosity when turned on
Maximal hardware size. Currently, tablets have 1, laptops 2 and consoles 3. Limits what hardware types can be installed.
Icon state overlay when the computer is powered, but not 'switched on'.
Icon state overlay when the computer is turned on, but no program is loaded that would override the screen.
Amount of steel sheets refunded when disassembling an empty frame of this computer.
Proc Details
Eats the "source" arg because update_icon actually expects args now.