Base skill modifier datum, used to modify a player skills without directly touching their values, levels and affinity and cause lots of edge cases. These are fairly simple overall... make a subtype though, don't use this one.
Vars | |
affinity_mod | skill affinity modifier, can be a multiplier or addendum, depending on the modifier_flags. |
identifier | The identifier key this skill modifier is associated with. |
level_mod | skill level modifier, see above. |
modifier_flags | flags for this skill modifier. |
name | Name and description of the skill modifier, used in the UI |
priority | Priority of this skill modifier compared to other ones. |
target_skills | target skills, can be a specific skill typepath or a list of skill traits. |
target_skills_key | the GLOB.potential_skills_per_mod key generated on runtime. You shouldn't be var-editing it. |
value_mod | skill value modifier, see above. |
Procs | |
on_mind_transfer | Body bound modifier signal procs. |
Var Details
skill affinity modifier, can be a multiplier or addendum, depending on the modifier_flags.
The identifier key this skill modifier is associated with.
skill level modifier, see above.
flags for this skill modifier.
Name and description of the skill modifier, used in the UI
Priority of this skill modifier compared to other ones.
target skills, can be a specific skill typepath or a list of skill traits.
the GLOB.potential_skills_per_mod key generated on runtime. You shouldn't be var-editing it.
skill value modifier, see above.
Proc Details
Body bound modifier signal procs.