SPLURT Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



boundsOffset bounds. Same as parsed_bounds until load().
parsed_boundsUnoffset bounds. Null on parse failure.


NewParse a map, possibly cropping it. Do not use the crop function unless strictly necessary. WARNING: Crop function crops based on the tiles you'd see in the map editor. If you're planning to load it in in a different orientation later, you better have done the math. It's recommended that you do not crop using this at all.
check_for_errorsCheck a parsed but not yet loaded map for errors.
loadLoad the parsed map into the world. See /proc/load_map for arguments.

Var Details


Offset bounds. Same as parsed_bounds until load().


Unoffset bounds. Null on parse failure.

Proc Details


Parse a map, possibly cropping it. Do not use the crop function unless strictly necessary. WARNING: Crop function crops based on the tiles you'd see in the map editor. If you're planning to load it in in a different orientation later, you better have done the math. It's recommended that you do not crop using this at all.


Check a parsed but not yet loaded map for errors.

Returns a /datum/map_report if there are errors or FALSE otherwise.


Load the parsed map into the world. See /proc/load_map for arguments.