Vars | |
can_be_deleted | Allow deletion |
emp_desync_mod | EMP severity div for cloudsync reset chance |
emp_flat_deletion_lower | EMP flat deletion lower |
emp_flat_deletion_upper | EMP flat deletion upper |
emp_percent_deletion_lower | EMP percent deletion lower |
emp_percent_deletion_upper | EMP percent deletion upper |
emp_severity_mod | EMP severity multiplier, capping to 0 to 100 |
minor_shock_deletion_lower | minor shock deletion lower |
minor_shock_deletion_upper | minor shock deletion upper |
permanent_programs | Permanent programs - can never be deleted. does not count towards max_programs. |
qdel_self_on_depletion | Delete ourselves when we're depleted. |
requires_cloud_sync | Whether or not we can survive no cloud syncing without errors |
shock_flat_deletion_lower | Shock flat deletion lower |
shock_flat_deletion_upper | Shock flat deletion upper |
shock_percent_deletion_lower | Shock percent deletion lower |
shock_percent_deletion_upper | Shock percent deletion upper |
start_time | Separate list of protocol programs, to avoid looping through the whole programs list when checking for conflicts |
stealth | Timestamp to when the nanites were first inserted in the host |
Procs | |
add_permanent_program | Adds permanent programs |
add_program | Adds a nanite program, replacing existing unique programs of the same type. A source program can be specified to copy its programming onto the new one. |
adjust_nanites | Modifies the current nanite volume, then checks if the nanites are depleted or exceeding the maximum amount |
check_console_locking | Checks if we can block out console modification |
check_host_lockout | Checks if we can lock out host internal conscious modification |
check_viral_prevention | Checks if we can block out viral replica |
cloud_sync | Syncs the nanites to their assigned cloud copy, if it is available. If it is not, there is a small chance of a software error instead. |
delete_nanites | Used to rid ourselves Deletes nanites! |
nanites_depleted | Called when nanites are depleted. Deletes ourselves by default. |
reject_excess_nanites | |
set_nanite_bar | Updates the nanite volume bar visible in diagnostic HUDs |
sync | Syncs the nanite component to another, making it so programs are the same with the same programming (except activation status) |
Var Details
Allow deletion
EMP severity div for cloudsync reset chance
EMP flat deletion lower
EMP flat deletion upper
EMP percent deletion lower
EMP percent deletion upper
EMP severity multiplier, capping to 0 to 100
minor shock deletion lower
minor shock deletion upper
Permanent programs - can never be deleted. does not count towards max_programs.
Delete ourselves when we're depleted.
Whether or not we can survive no cloud syncing without errors
Shock flat deletion lower
Shock flat deletion upper
Shock percent deletion lower
Shock percent deletion upper
Separate list of protocol programs, to avoid looping through the whole programs list when checking for conflicts
Timestamp to when the nanites were first inserted in the host
Proc Details
Adds permanent programs
WARNING: Has no sanity checks. Make sure you know what you are doing! (make sure programs do not conflict)
Adds a nanite program, replacing existing unique programs of the same type. A source program can be specified to copy its programming onto the new one.
Modifies the current nanite volume, then checks if the nanites are depleted or exceeding the maximum amount
Checks if we can block out console modification
Checks if we can lock out host internal conscious modification
Checks if we can block out viral replica
Syncs the nanites to their assigned cloud copy, if it is available. If it is not, there is a small chance of a software error instead.
Used to rid ourselves Deletes nanites!
Called when nanites are depleted. Deletes ourselves by default.
Handles how nanites leave the host's body if they find out that they're currently exceeding the maximum supported amount
IC explanation: Normally nanites simply discard excess volume by slowing replication or 'sweating' it out in imperceptible amounts, but if there is a large excess volume, likely due to a programming change that leaves them unable to support their current volume, the nanites attempt to leave the host as fast as necessary to prevent nanite poisoning. This can range from minor oozing to nanites rapidly bursting out from every possible pathway, causing temporary inconvenience to the host.
Updates the nanite volume bar visible in diagnostic HUDs
Syncs the nanite component to another, making it so programs are the same with the same programming (except activation status)