/datum/config_entry/flag/respawns_enabled | Allows usage of respawn system |
/datum/config_entry/number/respawn_delay | Minutes before allowing respawns. |
/datum/config_entry/number/respawn_delay_cryo | Minutes before allowing respawn, if user cryo'd. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/allow_non_assistant_respawn | Allows respawning as non-assistant. Overrides all others of this type. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/allow_combat_role_respawn | Allows respawning as a combat role, defined as security/head. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/allow_same_character_respawn | Allows respawning as the same character as a previous life |
/datum/config_entry/flag/respawn_penalty_includes_observe | Observing penalizes for respawns, not just joining. |
/datum/config_entry/number/respawn_minimum_delay_roundstart | Minutes from roundstart before someone can respawn |
/datum/config_entry/keyed_list/respawn_chaos_gamemodes | Gamemode config tags that are banned from respawning |