SPLURT Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


EVENT_CATEGORY_AIEvents that mess with or create artificial intelligences, such as vending machines and the AI itself
EVENT_CATEGORY_ANOMALIESEvents that spawn anomalies, which might be the source of anomaly cores
EVENT_CATEGORY_BUREAUCRATICEvents pertaining cargo, messages incoming to the station and job slots
EVENT_CATEGORY_ENGINEERINGEvents that cause breakages and malfunctions that could be fixed by engineers
EVENT_CATEGORY_ENTITIESEvents that spawn creatures with simple desires, such as to hunt
EVENT_CATEGORY_FRIENDLYEvents that should have no harmful effects, and might be useful to the crew
EVENT_CATEGORY_HEALTHEvents that affect the body and mind
EVENT_CATEGORY_HOLIDAYEvents reserved for special occassions
EVENT_CATEGORY_INVASIONEvents with enemy groups with a more complex plan
EVENT_CATEGORY_JANITORIALEvents that make a mess
EVENT_CATEGORY_SPACEEvents that summon meteors and other debris, and stationwide waves of harmful space weather
EVENT_CATEGORY_WIZARDEvents summoned by a wizard
ADMIN_CANCEL_EVENTReturn from admin setup to stop the event from triggering entirely.

Define Details


Return from admin setup to stop the event from triggering entirely.


Events that mess with or create artificial intelligences, such as vending machines and the AI itself


Events that spawn anomalies, which might be the source of anomaly cores


Events pertaining cargo, messages incoming to the station and job slots


Events that cause breakages and malfunctions that could be fixed by engineers


Events that spawn creatures with simple desires, such as to hunt


Events that should have no harmful effects, and might be useful to the crew


Events that affect the body and mind


Events reserved for special occassions


Events with enemy groups with a more complex plan


Events that make a mess


Events that summon meteors and other debris, and stationwide waves of harmful space weather


Events summoned by a wizard