ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE | Attack was melee, whether or not armed. |
ATTACK_TYPE_PROJECTILE | Attack was with a gun or something that should count as a gun (but not if a gun shouldn't count for a gun, crazy right?) |
ATTACK_TYPE_UNARMED | Attack was unarmed.. this usually means hand to hand combat. |
ATTACK_TYPE_THROWN | Attack was a thrown atom hitting the victim. |
ATTACK_TYPE_TACKLE | Attack was a bodyslam/leap/tackle. See: Xenomorph leap tackles. |
ATTACK_TYPE_PARRY_COUNTERATTACK | Attack was from a parry counterattack. Do not attempt to parry-this! |
Define Details
Attack was melee, whether or not armed.
Attack was from a parry counterattack. Do not attempt to parry-this!
Attack was with a gun or something that should count as a gun (but not if a gun shouldn't count for a gun, crazy right?)
Attack was a bodyslam/leap/tackle. See: Xenomorph leap tackles.
Attack was a thrown atom hitting the victim.
Attack was unarmed.. this usually means hand to hand combat.