Vars | |
can_be_z_moved | Used for space ztransit stuff |
em_block | Internal holder for emissive blocker object, do not use directly use blocks_emissive |
floating_need_update | If we were without gravity and another animation happened, the bouncing will stop, and we need to restart it in next life(). |
generic_canpass | If false makes CanPass call CanPassThrough on this type instead of using default behaviour |
last_yell | last time we yelled |
movement_type | In case you have multiple types, you automatically use the most useful one. IE: Skating on ice, flippers on water, flying over chasm/space, etc. I reccomend you use the movetype_handler system and not modify this directly, especially for living mobs. |
pass_flags | Things we can pass through while moving. If any of this matches the thing we're trying to pass's [pass_flags_self], then we can pass through. |
tooltips | Should we use tooltips, if the thing does not have the code implemented get_tooltip_data() , it will default to examine(src) |
yell_power | How loudly we yell |
Procs | |
CanPassThrough | Returns true or false to allow src to move through the blocker, mover has final say |
Process_Spacemove | Called whenever an object moves and by mobs when they attempt to move themselves through space And when an object or action applies a force on src, see newtonian_move |
abstract_move | meant for movement with zero side effects. only use for objects that are supposed to move "invisibly" (like camera mobs or ghosts) if you want something to move onto a tile with a beartrap or recycler or tripmine or mouse without that object knowing about it at all, use this most of the time you want forceMove() |
add_blocked_language | Adds a language to the blocked language list. Use this over remove_language in cases where you will give languages back later. |
admin_teleport | Proc to hook user-enacted teleporting behavior and keep logging of the event. |
can_speak_language | Checks if atom can speak the language. |
copy_languages | Copies all languages into the supplied atom/language holder. Source should be overridden when you do not want the language overwritten by later atom updates or want to avoid blocked languages. |
could_speak_language | Returns the result of tongue specific limitations on spoken languages. |
get_language_holder | Gets or creates the relevant language holder. For mindless atoms, gets the local one. For atom with mind, gets the mind one. |
get_random_spoken_language | Gets a random spoken language, useful for forced speech and such. |
get_random_understood_language | Gets a random understood language, useful for hallucinations and such. |
get_selected_language | Returns selected language, if it can be spoken, or finds, sets and returns a new selected language if possible. |
get_tooltip_data | If set, will return a list for the tooltip (that will also be put together in a Join() )
However, if returning null , the tooltip will not be shown as #14942 changed it. |
grant_all_languages | Grants every language. |
grant_language | Grants the supplied language and sets omnitongue true. |
has_language | Checks if atom has the language. If spoken is true, only checks if atom can speak the language. |
mouse_buckle_handling | Does some typechecks and then calls user_buckle_mob |
newtonian_move | Only moves the object if it's under no gravity |
on_enter_storage | called when this atom is added into a storage item, which is passed on as S. The loc variable is already set to the storage item. |
on_exit_storage | called when this atom is removed from a storage item, which is passed on as S. The loc variable is already set to the new destination before this is called. |
point_at | Point at an atom |
quoteless_say_quote | Quirky citadel proc for our custom sayverbs to strip the verb out. Snowflakey as hell, say rewrite 3.0 when? |
recursive_pulled_glidesize_update | Recursively set glide size for atom's pulled things |
remove_all_languages | Removes every language and sets omnitongue false. |
remove_blocked_language | Removes a language from the blocked language list. |
remove_language | Removes a single language. |
say_emphasis | Scans the input sentence for speech emphasis modifiers, notably |italics|, +bold+, and underline -mothblocks |
setGrabState | Updates the grab state of the movable |
setMovetype | Proc to modify the movement_type and hook behavior associated with it changing. |
set_anchored | Sets the anchored var and returns if it was sucessfully changed or not. |
set_bark | Sets the vocal bark for the atom, using the bark's ID |
set_pulledby | Reports the event of the change in value of the pulledby variable. |
throw_at | If this returns FALSE then callback will not be called. |
update_atom_languages | Empties out the atom specific languages and updates them according to the current atoms language holder. As a side effect, it also creates missing language holders in the process. |
Var Details
Used for space ztransit stuff
Internal holder for emissive blocker object, do not use directly use blocks_emissive
If we were without gravity and another animation happened, the bouncing will stop, and we need to restart it in next life().
If false makes CanPass call CanPassThrough on this type instead of using default behaviour
last time we yelled
In case you have multiple types, you automatically use the most useful one. IE: Skating on ice, flippers on water, flying over chasm/space, etc. I reccomend you use the movetype_handler system and not modify this directly, especially for living mobs.
Things we can pass through while moving. If any of this matches the thing we're trying to pass's [pass_flags_self], then we can pass through.
Should we use tooltips, if the thing does not have the code implemented get_tooltip_data()
, it will default to examine(src)
How loudly we yell
Proc Details
Returns true or false to allow src to move through the blocker, mover has final say
Called whenever an object moves and by mobs when they attempt to move themselves through space And when an object or action applies a force on src, see newtonian_move
return FALSE to have src start/keep drifting in a no-grav area and 1 to stop/not start drifting
Mobs should return TRUE if they should be able to move of their own volition, see [/client/proc/Move]
- movement_dir - 0 when stopping or any dir when trying to move
meant for movement with zero side effects. only use for objects that are supposed to move "invisibly" (like camera mobs or ghosts) if you want something to move onto a tile with a beartrap or recycler or tripmine or mouse without that object knowing about it at all, use this most of the time you want forceMove()
Adds a language to the blocked language list. Use this over remove_language in cases where you will give languages back later.
Proc to hook user-enacted teleporting behavior and keep logging of the event.
Checks if atom can speak the language.
Copies all languages into the supplied atom/language holder. Source should be overridden when you do not want the language overwritten by later atom updates or want to avoid blocked languages.
Returns the result of tongue specific limitations on spoken languages.
Gets or creates the relevant language holder. For mindless atoms, gets the local one. For atom with mind, gets the mind one.
Gets a random spoken language, useful for forced speech and such.
Gets a random understood language, useful for hallucinations and such.
Returns selected language, if it can be spoken, or finds, sets and returns a new selected language if possible.
If set, will return a list for the tooltip (that will also be put together in a Join()
However, if returning null
, the tooltip will not be shown as #14942 changed it.
Though no tooltips will be created for atoms that have tooltips = FALSE
Grants every language.
Grants the supplied language and sets omnitongue true.
Checks if atom has the language. If spoken is true, only checks if atom can speak the language.
Does some typechecks and then calls user_buckle_mob
Arguments: M - The mob being buckled to src user - The mob buckling M to src
Only moves the object if it's under no gravity
called when this atom is added into a storage item, which is passed on as S. The loc variable is already set to the storage item.
called when this atom is removed from a storage item, which is passed on as S. The loc variable is already set to the new destination before this is called.
Point at an atom
Intended to enable and standardise the pointing animation for all atoms
Not intended as a replacement for the mob verb
Quirky citadel proc for our custom sayverbs to strip the verb out. Snowflakey as hell, say rewrite 3.0 when?
Recursively set glide size for atom's pulled things
Removes every language and sets omnitongue false.
Removes a language from the blocked language list.
Removes a single language.
Scans the input sentence for speech emphasis modifiers, notably |italics|, +bold+, and underline -mothblocks
Updates the grab state of the movable
This exists to act as a hook for behaviour
Proc to modify the movement_type and hook behavior associated with it changing.
Sets the anchored var and returns if it was sucessfully changed or not.
Sets the vocal bark for the atom, using the bark's ID
Reports the event of the change in value of the pulledby variable.
If this returns FALSE then callback will not be called.
Empties out the atom specific languages and updates them according to the current atoms language holder. As a side effect, it also creates missing language holders in the process.